As you may have noticed I'm trying to make do with less recently. I'm going to keep trying to pare down or actually USE everything. Yesterday Noodle was messing the bookshelf and pulled a fabric drawer down. The drawer contained my hoard of note cards. I have a whole drawer of note cards I NEVER use, many of which I have had for nearly 20 years. I should have thrown them out, but instead I put them back in the drawer and back on the shelf. But with the vow that I will not buy more note cards until these are gone!
I want have less, spend less, enjoy the kids and my life MORE!
Conveniently I found THIS:
I'm in! So for the month of October I'll be Less & More(ing) it! Maybe I can finally decide what to do with all these note cards...
(Feel free to do this too! Leave me a comment and let me know if you are going to Less & More along too.)
Dear Miss Morgan: Your Grandmother, BettyJane wasn't wrong about everything. One of the things she was very right about is that 'for most of her life, 30, 40, even 50 years, things stayed much the same, then things began to change faster and faster until she couldn't keep up'. I suspect the changes she spoke of began in the early to mid-80s. The one telephone a family had, they just expected it to last for 25 or more years. The same was true of a washer or refrigerator. Thus it followed, if you knew what brand and style of writing paper, blouses, bras, furniture, towels, sheets, or slacks (fill in the blank) you prefered, it was an easy enough matter to replace those necessary things. Suddenly quantity became the new quality. 5 good blouses became 25 'good enough' t-shirts. Name Brands once known for consistent and dependable quality, cheapened their goods to meet the new demand. When we aren't satisfied with the things we buy, when letters to Bass, Florsheim, or Pendleton bare no fruit, and quality continues to diminish, what happens? Sadly, too often, we buy even more, or cling too tightly to what we believe can never be replenished in the current marketplace.