"Mommy is working, we will play when I'm done."
I'm done in 8 more days. It can not come soon enough.
This used to work. It worked for 4 years. Now it just isn't. I'm not doing my best at work and I'm certainly not giving the kids what they deserve at home.
Yesterday was just such a totally different day that the stark contrast to today is just disheartening.
Yesterday I only checked in on work twice - both times when the kids were happy and playing with out me. The entirety of our day was great yesterday, Noodle even went to sleep a full 30 min earlier than her normal early and nearly 2 hours before her 'late' - and she's been mainly late to sleep for the past 3 months. Yesterday was wonderful - today not so much.
Today I'm short tempered. Today there were no crafts - not even the ones I set out to do last night before going to bed. Today there was yelling, and then worse - that moment when I just check out, when my eyes glaze over as I look at the mess and I want to run away from home or just hide in my closet for a little while.
Even now, I could (and should) go play with them. But the mood is set and all I can do is count the minutes until Husband comes home and I can actually go hide in my closet for a little while.
I feel pulled apart and frazzled. Realizing I've been living like this for years - for those wonderful early years of my children's lives - makes me sad.
Next week. Next week the new normal begins and I'm so, so thankful.
Countdown to The Year: 8
I'm sorry that today wasn't a good day. I certainly have days like this too. You are an awesome mom and your kids are amazing!!